Commander's Corner

Happy Easter
Happy Passover
Happy Ramadan

This is definitely a holy time for the faithful of a variety of major religions. Today, is specifically Easter and even though buying eggs this year comes with some life decisions. I hope you found time to spend with friends and family.

Even if you are not a believer, Easter provides a story that can inspire. The story of Jesus suffering and sacrificing for all others is an heroic tale and behavior that we can model ourselves after. Hopefully, the consequences won’t be so dire. The American Legion gives us all the opportunity to serve our communities. We can volunteer, give blood, donate money and even participate in grass roots political outreach to benefit veterans at

The story doesn’t end with the sacrifice, though. Death isn’t something we can all come back from, that is the miracle part of the story. What we CAN take away is that when things seem dire, when times are tough, when your resources are running low, or you stress runneth over, you can regenerate and recover. Again, the American Legion provides opportunities to help you. You have the camaraderie available to you that isn’t found in a lot of places. Services Officers can help connect you with helpful and even life-saving resources.  You can even help others. The Legion has been promoting a program called “Be The One”.  Are you The One to save a veteran in crisis. You can get more information and find out how to help at

You don’t have to be deity, or even believe in one, to be a hero.  If you are a person of faith, my hope is that you live in a way that models what you worship.  If you are not a person of faith, my hope is that you find lessons in these stories that can influence you intentions with world outside of yourself.

In other 43 news:

·         The 43 Family pulled off a successful Family Fun Day. Congratulations to everyone who participated.

·         This coming week is the TCM Film Festival, and we are one of the venues for the event. Keep up to date at for what is screening in our theater. For complete information about the festival, see: Homepage - TCM Classic Film Festival 2023.

·         Finally, next Monday 17APR we will be taking nominations for next Legion year office, as well as for this year’s delegated to Department (state) convention. I hope to see some of you accept the challenge to “serve those who have served”, as I like to call the leadership opportunity. Also, being a delegate is a great way to learn more about the organization, vote on some bigger picture items, expand your networking, and…have fun doing it.

Jeff Daly, Commander

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