1st Vice Membership: Dennis Kee


Spent all weekend getting both of my motorcycles ready to ride because finally the snow and rain are

over in Los Angeles. I can put the car away because we have brighter skies ahead!

We also have a great summer planned with lots of Post 43 member events being put on the calendar! So

hit me up if you would like any details or have ideas.

Good Time Committee

As I promised at the April Social Night Meeting at the Post, the Good Time Committee has been created.

Thanks Johnny Jenkinson and BJ Lange for submitting the idea for this committee.

Please take the Committee Survey below to find out about our committees and get involved.


Buddy Check 2023!

We continue to make Buddy Check calls and I can use your help. Please email me at Dennis@post43.org

for more details or to be added to the volunteer list.


We currently have 88% of our active members down as being renewed so we are getting closer! Please

renew your membership if you haven’t already.

If you need help or would like to sponsor a member, please reach out to me.


Whenever I plan travel, I always try to see if any friends are in town and also find an American Legion

Post to visit.

For my recent trip to Chicago, Post 43 member Krishna Flores happened to be in town for a conference

and we connected and went to dinner and had a great time. Also, as an Air Force guy, I felt pretty safe

walking around the streets of Chicago being protected by a female Marine.

I also visited Post 42 in Evanston Illinois and they treated me like family. Great post and great people

and how cool is it to grab an American Legion pamphlet off their entrance table and see some of our

Post 43 members in it???

Our Post 43 has over 1200 members and there are over 12,000 Posts in America so you don’t have to

look far to find either.

Take the Membership Survey!

Your responses will help Post leadership shore up existing Post programs and develop new ones. It will

also help us learn more about our amazing membership.


If you have input, questions or can help serve on our Membership Committee as a member or Technical

Adviser, please send me an email at Dennis@post43.org


1 st Vice Commander

Dennis Kee

Jeff DalyComment