Happenings from 2nd Vice Commander Karl Risinger

April is Children and Youth Month.  We kicked it off with a bang at our Annual Family Fun Day on Sunday, April 2nd.  If you missed it, you missed a great time . . . face paintings, bouncys, dunk tank, carnival games and more! A huge thank you to Melissa Card and the Sons and everyone who helped make it such a fun day.  Be sure you don't miss it next year.

Make note that the week of April 10th, the clubhouse will be dark to Members as TCM Classic Film Festival moves into town and takes over Hollywood and the Hollywood Legion Theater.  So many great films are being shown at our Clubhouse that week.  Check out the TCMFF website for all the details and purchase your tickets online!  Unfortunately, there aren't any Post 43 member discounts.

There is a sign up to see Guy Richie's "The Covenant".  Registration closes at noon on Wednesday, April 12th.  The actual Premiere is on Monday, April 17th at the DGA Theater on Sunset.

We come back to business as usual on Monday, April 17th with our monthly Business meeting.  There will be nominations for Convention Delegates as well as nominations of Officers.

Thursday, April 20th is our monthly Art Deco Comedy, and keep your eyes on the Calendar for the Music nights that are always being curated by our wonderful Entertainment Chair, Nick Papadakis.

Looking forward to a very full Military month of May!

Your Hollywood Vice!

Karl Risinger

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