Second Vice Vantage
Hollywood Post 43 2nd Vice Commander Karl Risinger
Boo!!! :-) Happy October!
Thank you all for partaking in and having a good time at all of the events and meetings the Post is having again! There are many good things to look forward to this month.
Don't miss out on the Auxiliary's Quartermania, THIS weekend! Saturday, October 8th.
Big Band Alumni will be the following Sunday, October 9th.
Come out and celebrate one of our own being honored, Milo Staley, with the National Veterans Foundation 37th Anniversary. Quite an amazing program scheduled for this night, Saturday, October 22nd.
Other things to look forward to but aren't officially scheduled as of yet . . . Scaryoke, Open Mic Night, 3rd Sunday Birthday Celebration and so much more!!!!
Keep an eye on the calendar as opportunities pop up randomly. There will be Veterans Day opportunities and soooo much more.
Let me know if there is anything you would like to see happening at the Post and we'll work on getting it on the calendar.