Commander's Time

Post 43 Commander Jeff Daly

On Sunday, October 2 nd , we celebrated the life and service of William “Bill” McTaggart. We had a nice showing of support for Bill’s family as well as honoring Judge McTaggart. It was another proud moment for me as Commander of Hollywood Post 43.

We will never forget his guiding words and we will always aim to consider what the judge would have to say about that.

There were so many people to thank in this and I would leave so many out, if I tried. I would like to point out that from my observation, this effort was lead by Chaplain Donna Calloway, Unit 43 President Melissa Card, and Squadron 43 Comander Jon Jeffrey Jackman (aka Tiple J).

Many thanks to those individuals and everyone else who put time and energy into honoring our Past Commander, Past Judge Advocate, Executive Committee Member, and outstanding Legionnaire.

Madam President Card will now turn her attention to an upcoming event/fundraiser for our Auxiliary.

This is their biggest fundraiser of the year and helps them work their programs. It’s tough to explain except that there are raffles and then there’s the main Quartermania where you bid quarters on the chance to win a prize. Those who bid raise their numbered paddles and the first number that’s drawn that matches a raised paddle is the winner. It makes sense once your playing and it’s a lot of fun!! For more information, please refer to the calendar. QuarterMania! (

This Monday’s meeting is our Social & Committee Meeting and I hope to see many of you in attendance. If you are triggered by the drama of a regular meeting, then these first Mondays are for you. This week, we will induct new members and then have a committee recruitment fair. If you’ve been curious about how to get involved, I invite you to come meet people who are active on committees. Also, for dinner we are having a pizza party since this reminds of a college club fair in the quad.

If you have not already done so, please renew your membership for the 2022-2023 year. It makes it so much easier for the 1 st Vice Commander if we can get most of our renewals done and then focus on finding new members.

You may have seen some snazzy Hollywood Post 43 baseball caps. Past Commander Hjelmstad is leading the effort to sell those and reorder so we can sell more. Thanks to him and Adjutant Josh Epstein for getting this latest order it. I love seeing the 43 pride in less formal headgear.

I want to thank all of you again for your continued support as we work through this post-pandemic revitalization. People are coming out to our events and generally being a collective presence of positivity.

This doesn’t go unnoticed or unappreciated.

For the good of the Legion,

Jeff Daly, Commander

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