Riders Report
Milan Morgan
ALR Chapter 43 Director
Hello Post 43 Family!
Chapter 43 Riders would like to invite everyone to join us at Bob's Big Boy in Burbank (4211 W. Riverside Drive, Burbank, CA 91335) on Friday, August 26th 2022, from 7 am-11 pm for a fundraiser.
Please print out the attached flyer and bring it with you; present it to the cashier when you order food, and 20% of your sale will go to the Chapter 43 riders. There will be a great car show going on in the parking lot, so bring the whole family and be sure to stop by our booth to say hi!
Membership applications to the Riders are available to ALL current Legion family members (Legionnaires, Sons and Auxiliary) that own a registered motorcycle with insurance and a valid M1 motorcycle license. Our next Chapter 43 meeting will be on Saturday, Aug 20th at the Post at 10am. I hope to see you there! If you have any questions, contact us at riders@post43.org.
At Your Service,
Milan Morgan
Director, ALR Chapter 43