Commander's Time

Fellow 43ers,

My time at #boysnation2022 is over as I have duties at the national Membership Workshop.

I'll probably write about this more, but I wanted to make a few points, while they are fresh.

1. The Boys/Girl State and then Nation programs are amazing. It would be a boon to the country if every Post increased their efforts on this double-pillar program.

2. I have learned new ways for us to elevate the Americanism pillar. It's about principles, not issues. One of our goals could very easily be to promote civics. I mean that not in any partisan/political way. It's a shame how many people don't know how our government works or the founding principles that it was built upon. Even more astonishing is how we don't address our country's mistakes and warts, because each can be seen as being contrary to our principles. We may just mess up and realize that we all have more in common than we think.

3. Children really are the future. The ideas that I see these young men exploring, inspire confidence that we are going to be OK.

4. If people in Washington seem cranky, I blame at least a portion of it on the humidity. For reals, that moist air and heat is a mood degrading cocktail. I feel like a better person for having survived it.

5. Teamwork. I loved being on this team of Legion Family working together to make the experience the best it could be for these students. We come from all over the country and have VERY different world views, but can still get along and focus on the mission. My plea is that we replicate this in our Posts.

OK, I have to board this plane to Indy to learn even more about membership, so I can bring ALL of these tools back to California and Post 43.

For the good of the Legion.

Jeff Daly