Chaplains Corner - Gratitude


How is your heart and your perspective? Is gratitude your posture overall, or do you find yourself more focused on the not so good things going on? What mindset is dominating in your life- glass half full, or glass half empty?

Last week we talked about recalibration-where examining ourselves, making changes if needed, and allowing God to work in us are important factors. 

Recalibration is vital for us to stay on track and in alignment throughout our lives. However, it is important we do not let what is not going well be the dominating thing in our lives, consuming our thoughts and attention. Always, even in times of recalibration, gratitude is equally important.

I had the honor of hearing Roma Downey, a very accomplished Irish American actor and producer who is a woman of faith, speak this week. She mentioned that every morning as she gets out of bed, she puts one foot on the floor and says "thank" and with the other foot she says "you". Then she thanks God as she walks to the bathroom to begin her morning.

What would our day, and our life, look like if we started out our days in gratitude like that?

Roma also mentioned that during the pandemic, she adopted another action of gratitude. As hand washing became more frequent, she decided to start saying "thank you" every time water hit her hands. She shared how that short intentional moment of gratitude has completely changed her attitude even when she was dealing with things that had been feeling miserable or difficult.

We see King David taking a posture of gratitude in the book of Psalm many times as well. In the good and the bad, on the mountain and in the valley, he praises God and has a grateful heart. He didn't ignore the difficult or bad things. He felt those things; he lamented to God about them too. But, in the midst of pain or hardship, he would shift his focus to gratitude and thank God.

St. Patrick's Day was this week, and St. Patrick shows us some things about gratitude too. If you don't know his story, he was Roman British and kidnapped at 16 to be a slave in Ireland. He escaped, but went back to Ireland to minister and share the Gospel to the Irish people. His heart of gratitude for the Lord and his love for his enemies in spite of what had happened to him beat out any bitterness or sorrow. It is for that reason, that he chose gratitude and love- and how that impacted others- that there is a remembrance of him to this day.

I have also personally found focusing on gratitude, even when I am waiting to see God move in my life, or when I'm facing challenges or things that have caused much pain, has changed everything. It has taken me from sorrow to joy. It has taken me from anxiety to peace. And it has taken me from focusing on myself and my situation to focusing on the goodness and faithfulness of God, and remembering all that is good around me and that He has done. Focusing on gratitude and the goodness of God has changed my perspective at times and even the way I have responded to others, even those that have been hurtful.

What can you do that will shift your mindset to gratitude, regardless of your circumstances?

Maybe it's starting the day by saying thank you, or focusing on gratitude when you wash your hands, like Roma Downey. Maybe it's sharing what you are feeling with God and thanking Him that He is with you and faithful, like King David. Maybe it's finding the good that came out of a bad experience and using the good thing to do more good, like St. Patrick.

Maybe it's saying thank you every time you eat a meal, or when you hear from a friend or loved one. Or maybe it's something like a quiet moment outside looking at the grass and sky. Whatever you decide to do, aim to do something every day this week to focus on gratitude.

A good verse to reflect on and/or memorize this week is this verse from Psalm. This is one that can be reflected on regardless of what is going on in our lives:

“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” 

Psalm 118:24

A song that may be helpful to listen to is "Gratitude" by Brandon Lake:

There is a shorter version, but this one is my favorite and gives more time to sing gratitude!

I also have a link for Roma Downey's interview this week, if anyone would like that link let me know and I'll send it to you.

I hope and pray this week of gratitude will be life changing for you. After this week, what would happen if you continue? What would happen in a month, in a year?

I pray God works great things in and through you as you focus on gratitude in all circumstances, and that He opens your eyes to all of the blessings He has given that are all around you.

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If anyone wants to pray together let us know. You could have a need you want prayer for, or we can be praying for overall needs, our post, our leaders, our city, etc. or all of it. Prayer is good for all of it! God hears!

You can submit a prayer request here with as much info as you’re comfortable with:

You can also reach out directly to if you'd rather do that.

What would you like the chaplains to offer at the post? We would love to hear what would help you all!

It's ok to not be ok. 

If you are feeling like you are in crisis or need help, the crisis line is available 24/7: dial or text 988

Praying for each of you, for our leadership, and for us as a community. May God make His presence known in your personal lives, in our post, and in our community, and may His shalom, love, and joy be felt in ways like never before. May He heal and protect you mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. I pray for God’s revival in each person and for us as a community. In His mighty, precious, and unmatched Name we pray.

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.”

‭‭Numbers‬ ‭6‬:‭24‬-‭26‬‬‬

Blessings and Gratitude,

Donna Callaway, Chaplain

Jeff DalyComment