Commander's Time: Rain On

It continues to be a wet spring, but with the storm comes opportunity for newness and growth. 

This weekend is a big one for the Post and we have plenty of opportunities for you to be inside where it’s dry and warm. 2nd Vice Commander Karl Risinger has all of the details in his report, but I want to emphasize that we are hosting California Legion College and thirty motivated Legionnaires will be staying at the hotel next door and enjoying camaraderie with us. I hope you’ll greet them with Hollywood hospitality, Thursday to Sunday. Bonus: 43’s own Milan Morgan and David Stern are students in this class. Yours truly is instructing three classes as well.

As many of you know, we have a vacancy in the Adjutant’s office. That means that I’ve been working in the office a few hours, most days of the week. I’m the Commandjutant until we get a new Adjutant hired. I’ve uploaded the job description to Indeed. They should complete processing by Wednesday afternoon. If you are interested, you can email a resume directly to me (

A silver lining to having to work in the office more is that I’m able to interact with the employees all over the building. I think we are improving communication and trust between the departments. Most importantly, I think everyone is seeing themselves working for same team. I hope to leave a happier crew for the new adjutant. Perhaps the rain is helping to cleanse the tension.

I hope to see a lot of you out this weekend. Then I hope to many of you for the Business Meeting on Monday.

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