Commander's Time

Post 43 Commander Jeff Daly

Hello 43ers,

We are rolling into fall with momentum. If you haven’t been attending things, you’ve been missing out. Just this weekend the ALA Hollywood Unit 43 put on a fantastic Quartermania event. It raises money for their programs, but it’s also a great time!

I’m very excited about getting some initiatives started and hope that many of you will want to step up and volunteer:

·       Hospital Visits – When I was in the West LA VA Hospital, I routinely maxed out on visitors, while noticing that other people had no visitors. This was on the physical rehab floor where some people are there for extended periods of time. I’m hopeful that we can make regular, maybe monthly visit and bring some supplies.

·       Buddy Check Calls – This has become a national priority and we need to make sure that we call every member on our roster before Veterans Day and then I’d like to call them again over the holidays. These are NOT calls where you ask for money. We just call to see how people are doing. We invite them to events. We also provide resources they can contact to meet any needs that they might bring up. This a component of the “Be The One” campaign.

In addition to volunteering externally, we’d really to see more participation from members on committees. You can have real influence on the Post and hopefully make us better that. You can talk to anyone in leadership about this, or you can contact me.

We have some significant issues to deal with as a Post, to secure the future of the Post. Please pay attention to these newsletters and also the Calendar and the Member Group on Facebook. It’s your post – stay informed & stay engaged!

Next month we have both the Marine Corps Birthday and Veterans Day to celebrate. Karl and I have been talking about options. Again, stay connected to this newsletter and the calendar for upcoming information.

That’s all I have for this week. Just know that it’s my pleasure and honor to serve the Post.

Jeff Daly, Commander
Hollywood Post 43 of The American Legion
Department of California

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