Chaplain's Corner
Hello Post Family!
I hope and pray you all are doing well.
““Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.””
There are so many things in life that we don’t understand…and so many things we think we understand that don’t turn out the way we expected. Ever planned something and then circumstances you didn’t see coming completely changed every part of your detailed and carefully prepared plan? We’ve probably all been there in some way. Things can change in a good or bad way- but the point is even with all the information we have, with every bit of understanding of our own, there’s things outside of our understanding or knowledge that can impact even what we think we have completely figured out.
Keeping that in mind, it makes sense that God tells us to not lean on our own understanding, but rather, to trust Him, with everything. To give it all to Him and let Him lead us. He knows what is coming, He knows what is happening beyond our knowledge, He sees the bigger picture; and He will guide us, if we allow Him to.
Sometimes trusting Him won’t make sense to you or anyone else in the moment, until you look back and see what happened.
I’ve seen this in my own life several times. One story- There was a time several years ago I knew I needed to stop traveling for work. I did not want to, but I knew it was what He was leading me to do. It didn’t make sense to some people in my life, and I wasn’t sure what was coming next. It got especially hard when I got a great job offer for a fun 3 month travel job with friends making a good amount of money. I tried everything in my own understanding to make it work somehow without traveling for the entire time. Ultimately, I had to turn down the job since it would be all travel, and trust God...and it was hard. I moped about it to God even. At the time, I didn't see what was ahead and just felt like I missed out on a fun job with friends making good money that I would have liked to take. But I knew there was a reason God didn't want me to travel, and I kept trusting Him.
Guess what? Within that timeframe I would have been traveling, I booked my first national commercial. In one day, I made way more than I would have made in that 3 months, and it was a huge milestone to my career as well. I did not know that audition was even coming at the time I turned down the job. If I had gone by my own understanding, I would have been out of state when the audition and filming happened. God knew what was coming. He knew best, and trusting Him led to better than I could have imagined.
This is one example of many from my own life. It's not always easy to trust God. But He knows best and is with you every step of the way.
I encourage you to trust God with everything. Let Him lead you. He sees so much more than we can see in our own understanding.
Post Everlasting
Paul Sorvino, a member of our post and well known actor, passed away recently. Paul was a US Army Veteran during the Korean War. He joined our post in 2017 and his induction was a memorable evening. His wife DeeDee is a member of our Auxiliary unit.
Paul was known for his roles in “Goodfellas" and “Law and Order”, among other notable work.
Please keep DeeDee, his children, and all of their family and loved ones in your prayers and thoughts. May Paul rest well in Post Everlasting.
Prayer Requests
Please continue to pray for our members who may have silent or anonymous prayer requests.
Prayer is powerful and God hears!
As always, if you need prayer, please know there are several ways to reach your chaplain. There is a prayer request form you can fill out here:
You can input as little or as much information as you are comfortable with.
You can also reach out directly to if you'd rather do that.
There are also chaplains for the sons, auxiliary, and riders that are available as well.
If you want to pray but are not sure how to pray, please reach out too. We are happy to guide you to pray alone also!
It's ok to not be ok.
Veterans Crisis Line: Dial 988 then press 1, or Text 838255
“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”
May peace and comfort surround you. May you and your families be well physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. May God make His presence and love felt in your life, now and always. Shalom, and many blessings to you all!
Your Chaplain, Donna Callaway and Assistant Chaplain, Rocio Palmero