Community Outreach Update

Simone Lara
House Committee Chair

Community Outreach Committee Chair

Legion Service Corps

Please spread the word!

TOYS FOR TOTS: bring a new, unwrapped toy to give to children in need in Los Angeles. Toys for Tots is operated by the U.S. Marine Corps to deliver thousands of presents nationwide. Deadline for toy donations is Dec. 13th, no exceptions, to allow proper pick up and delivery. Collection boxes will be onsite.

UKRAINE: Dec. 5 is the cutoff date for the next shipment of winter gear to Ukraine. Needed: adult size winter clothing and boots, this includes socks, thermal underwear, fleece sweaters, gortex pants and jackets. Tactical, hunting and military gear is acceptable. Colors should be earth tones, black, or white. Clothing in not usable condition will not be sent. Also need financial donations to cover shipping, checks can be made to Post 43 with "Ukraine Shipping" in the memo.

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