Hollywood Bandstand
Live Music in the Art Deco Bar!
Where: Cabaret Room
When: Dec 9 - 8pm
This Friday in the Cabaret Room Hollywood Post 43 presents Americana Nights with 3 bands. First, Heather Lomax is a singer songwriter who tours nationally and most recently played and filled the Canyon Club. Next, Deb Morrison just returned from her music showcase in Nashville where she was signed to blackbird records and released her album last month. And last but not least TeeLo and Friends, who may may have also seen as the LA Hootenanny at Post 43 or around LA. There will be food for sale, the show is free for members and suggested 5.00 donation for guests. The Art Deco will also be open.
If you like Johnny Cash or Lucinda Williams you will love this show
Please contact Nick Papadakis if you have a piece of equipment in the music closet ASAP. We are doing a cleaning and organization this month and will assume you donated it if we do not hear from you.
Please give him a text 818-618-0525
Coming soon:
Funk Friday Fish Fry