Commander's Time
The Future of 43 is in Your Hands
Fellow 43ers,
We are at the crux of a monumental decision as a Post, as we decide whether to sell the El Centro property. I was mostly proud of the debate and discussion at the last meeting. I feel strongly that this shouldn’t be decided by a quorum. My hope is that we have more than a 100 and I’d love to see numbers closer to 200. It’s that big of a deal.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, we are deciding whether to sell the property that once housed the Legion Boxing Stadium. I commend the committee lead by Bryon Smith for all of the hard work over that past 3 years to get us to this point. There was a strong emphasis on getting LA Fitness to move closer to market rent, but that didn’t materialize. We are fortunate to have a $40 million offer that checks all of our boxes, including the idea of a legacy representation. My dream for this is that a room be provided to the Post at no cost. When you enter that room, you step into a boxing ring. The ropes of the ring separate you from memorabilia and museum style information cards. On the wall opposite the doors is a TV playing a 5 minute video explaining highlights of the history of the Boxing Stadium and Post. To me, that spreads the legacy far and wide and also markets the Post to potential partners and members.
*You should have received the Power Point in your email. Please let the adjutant know if you did not.
Beyond business, I’d like to see everyone come out on 10 November as the Deco Bar becomes an homage to Tun Tavern on the 147 th birthday of The United States Marine Corps. We will celebrate that birthday as well as kick off Veterans Day weekend. I hope to see great representation from all branches.
The American Legion is asking Posts across the nation to participate in Buddy Check calls. If a significant group of us participate, we should be able to have fun and get it done good time. Please email to volunteer.
The Adjutant, 2 nd Vice Commander Karl Risinger and 1 st Vice Commander Dennis Kee will be organizing and coming up with dates/times for phone banking. There may be pizza involved, but don’t quote me on that.
That’s it for this week Family 43!
Jeff Daly, Commander
Hollywood Post 43