Post 43 Member Made Media Competition

Announcing the 1st Annual 

Hollywood Post 43

Member Made Media Competition

Hollywood Post 43 is known as “The Post of the Stars”, and throughout history a significant portion of our membership, veterans, have worked in the media, entertainment, and film industry. That continues to be true today. 

As part of our mission to support the membership, we endeavour to facilitate opportunities for them to work together as a team to advance their skills and career. 

Therefore, the Post 43 Media & Communication Committee is proud to announce the 1st Member Made Media Competition and hope that it will be the first of many to come. Our goal is for each team to create a portfolio worthy piece they can use to promote their career.

In order to match the wide range of talent in the Legion Family, this competition will have three categories: Scripted Short Story, Documentary News, and Social Media. There is a limit of 5 teams per category. Each team will have an allotted amount of time to shoot inside the Post.

Registration begins December 1, 2021

Shooting takes place January 15, 2022 through February 5, 2022

Awards Ceremony March 19, 2022


The theme of this year's competition will  be the Hollywood Post 43 Clubhouse. Although the teams will be given an allotted amount of time to film in the clubhouse, the entire piece does not need to be shot there. Teams can express the theme as they see fit, for example as a location, a character, the scene of an event, a historical landmark, or a work of art in itself.

Category requirements:

Each team must consist of at least 50% Legion Family members. 

Team sizes and time in the clubhouse are limited by category. 

Scripted Short Story - Up to 10 minutes

Limit 10 people

8 hours in clubhouse

Documentary News - Up to 7 minutes

Limit 5 people

4 hours in clubhouse

Social Media - Campaign with at least 3 different sites

Limit 3 people

2 house in clubhouse


Each category will have its own panel of judges consisting of industry professionals in that specific discipline. 

Awards will be given for specific roles such as: Best Direction, Best Cinematography, Best Acting, Best Writing, Audience, and more.

Get your teams together now! 

Competing on multiple teams is permitted.

Registration begins December 1, 2021

More information to come.

For questions contact:

Jeric Wilhelmsen

Chair Media & Communications Committee

Hollywood Post 43

Jeff DalyComment