Commander's Time - Memories From Two Memorials


It was my duty and honor to represent you twice this week at two memorial services. It’s important that Post 43 and Legion Family try to show up for these events. It should be noted that I didn’t personally know either person, but they’ve both had an impact on my life, and I hope their stories will impact your lives as well.

First, I attended the public memorial for former Mayor Richard Riordan at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in downtown Los Angeles. I was invited by new Auxiliary member Stephanie Stephanie "JJ"​ Pofcher.

The massive venue was fitting for a man who had lived a long, productive life and positively affected Los Angeles with his leadership and vision. We heard from Senator Alex Padilla, current Mayor Karen Bass, his daughter, and others. We learned of a man who wanted the office, so he could pay back the city that gave him so much success.

We learned of his devotion to children and giving them the tools to succeed in their education. In many aspects of his public life, he was selfless in service.

In his young life, he graduated from Princeton University before serving as a US Army officer in the Korean War. After the war, he got his law degree from the University of Michigan Law School.

This was clearly the celebration of a man who lived a lofty existence with success after success, likely living up to lofty expectations.

I shared a video on Instagram, here:

A day later, I attended another memorial that had a different tone. Lance Alexander Lott's celebration was also in a large church but far removed from downtown, in the Santa Clarita area. He was not a #veteran, but his parents are members of the Hollywood American Legion Post 43 Family. Jane Austin was our Honorary Colonel who aligned with our Children & Youth mission, so she joined the Auxiliary and became active with California Girls State. Her husband Kurt Lott is a member of the Sons. I went to this service to support them. Other 43 Family included Auxiliary Unit 43 President Melissa Card, Auxiliary Unit 43 member Michele Ortmann, Riders Chapter 43 Director Milan Morgan, and Riders Chapter 43 Member Michael Major Gregory.

This impactful memorial taught me about a young man who graduated high school with his Associate's Degree. He excelled at various sports, theater, and academics. He earned his Black Belt at 12 years old, the same year he ran his first marathon. He had a soft spot for kids, loved to cook, and had a way of taking care of those close to him. Everyone who spoke about him lauded his smile and his charisma. These intangibles paired with his determination, discipline, talents, skills, and experiences were destined for greatness on screen and stage.

I didn’t know him, but I know the people who raised him and I heard the testimonials of people whose lives were positively affected by him. I choked up numerous times. This was not just the loss of a man who was so loved by his family and friends. This was the elimination of a force of energy we refer to as potential. The only comfort I found in this realization is that part of his potential was his humanity and how it bonded with others. I wrote on my guest card that his greatness and unrealized potential will have the multiplier effect of inspiring more to realize their own greatness, thus his spirit will continue to live and breathe in others. That realization was what gave me the perspective to find a bit of celebration where I was lingering in lamenting loss.

I tell you these stories because they embody principles that I hope we all adhere to:

1. The preservation of history. I hope we all take responsibility for the preservation “of our participation in all wars”.

2. That we need to take care of our Legion family. I know that I was grateful for the love of the Legion family and I was happy to give back that support this weekend. No matter our squabbles, I feel it's important that we take care of each other.

3. That our programs are of the utmost importance. Lance had the benefit of exceptional parents with the resources to give him the experiences needed for success. Not all children have this, so our Oratorical, Girls State, Boys & Girls State, Legion Baseball, Scholarships, etc., help give other youth an opportunity to live up to their potential.

I hope the story of these two lives, one with documented success and the other having the power to inspire multiple young lives towards success, will motivate and inspire you to greatness. More importantly, I hope that they inspire you to support the pillar of Children & Youth for The American Legion.

As always “for the good of the Legion” and for “community, state, and nation”,

Jeff Daly, Commander
Hollywood Post 43

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