1st Vice - Membership Minute


Busy weekend representing Post 43 in the community. I was invited to attend the 100 th birthday of Ken Anhalt, Ken survived many missions over occupied Europe as a WWII, Army Air Corps, B24 Liberator, Tail Gunner. Ken’s family is already busy planning his next birthday.

I also attended the funeral of Jerry Thompson that had served in the Army and had retired from the California Highway Patrol. His family asked me if I could help do anything to help honor Jerry and his service. I sent them right over to the Patriot Guard Riders who if available do motorcycle escorts and flaglines to honor our fallen.


I knew Jerry Thompson and am good friends with his daughter who is LAPD and son in law who was ARMY, and LAPD. It was tough to attend this funeral until I saw brothers and sisters arrive from American Legion Riders, Chapters 30, 123 and 507. They had never met Jerry but saw the email posting and wanted to honor Jerry’s service to our country. I also met some law enforcement officers working Jerry’s funeral detail and explained what the

American Legion Riders do so when they see us on the road they realize we are a friend. There are always a couple that served in the in the military and it is a great opportunity to tell them about our Post and what the American Legion does in our veteran community.


Committees are the lifeblood of our Post and a chance to help make change. It is also a place to learn teamwork and how the Post operates. Some of my best times at the Post were spent working on the House Committee. I was also nominated for my first position in leadership based on work I had done on a committee. Get involved!


Buddy Check 2023!

We continue to make Buddy Check calls and I can use your help. Please email me at Dennis@post43.org for more details or to be added to the volunteer list.


We currently have 88% of our active members down as being renewed so we are getting closer! Please renew your membership if you haven’t already.

If you need help or would like to sponsor a member, please reach out to me.

Take the Membership Survey!

Your responses will help Post leadership shore up existing Post programs and develop new ones. It will also help us learn more about our amazing membership.


If you have input, questions or can help serve on our Membership Committee as a member or Technical Adviser, please send me an email at Dennis@post43.org


1 st Vice Commander

Dennis Kee

Jeff DalyComment