Membership Minute
Hello Post 43 members,
As 1st Vice Commander and Chair of the Membership Committee, I wanted to remind everyone about the importance of participating in our Buddy Check initiative and to thank those of you who participated in the New Member Orientation.
As you may know, we encourage all members to reach out to at least one fellow member to check in, see how they are doing, and offer support if needed. This is a simple but powerful way to show that we care about each other and to build a stronger community. I am happy to report that several members have already participated in this initiative, and we appreciate your efforts to look out for one another.
For those who attended our New Member Orientation, I want to extend a special thank you for your interest in joining our Post and in learning more about the American Legion and our programs. We hope you enjoyed the opportunity to learn about the history of Post 43, the various programs and activities we offer, and the role of the Legion Families in supporting our veterans.
Lastly, I want to remind everyone that The Big Game is coming up, and we will host a viewing party at the Post. We invite all members of the American Legion and Legion Family organizations to come and watch the game with us. This is an excellent opportunity to connect with fellow members, enjoy good food and drinks, and cheer on your favorite team. Please mark your calendars, and we'll see you there!
Thank you for your continued support of Post 43 and the American Legion.
Sincerely, Dennis Kee
1st Vice Commander,
American Legion, Hollywood Post 43