Commander's Time
People are noticing Hollywood Post 43. If you haven’t seen the LA Times article, get to the members
only group on Facebook. Otherwise, you’ll have to wait until the LA Times removes the pay wall.
We are living the mantra “Work Hard. Play Hard.”
Monday we will be working. I hope to see a bunch of you come out to vote. We have three major issues
to go through:
1. The Budget
2. The IATSE Projectionist (Union Rep will be present to answer questions)
3. New Buyer For El Centro
We are also playing a whole lot. Please keep up with
Funky Fish FRYday on the February 24 th . This is going to be huge.
The Big Game celebration by the Sons on February 12 th .
Black History Month Program will happen during the February Social Meeting.
Chaplains Program will be during the February Business Meeting.
That’s a lot in a short amount of words, which is totally unlike me. Thank you all for all that you do.
For the good of the Legion…
Jeff Daly, Commander