Chaplain's Corner
Post 43 Chaplain Donna Callaway
Justice and Love
Last week‘s message was about loving our enemies, but what about justice? How does that work if we love our enemies? Does that mean we shouldn’t want justice?
God is merciful, forgiving, and loving, but He is also just. He is fair. Both things are a part of who God is.
In fact that is the reason Jesus came to Earth and died and rose again- to pay the price we actually owed for our sin.
There had to be justice- but God Himself paid the price owed out of love. Instead of us having to pay the price, the Greek word used in the Bible for what Jesus said on the cross was tetelestai, which means paid in full. Paid in full- the price of justice that was owed to us for our sin was paid in full by Jesus. God showed His love and justice at the same time with the cross.
It is possible for there to be justice AND choose to love and forgive.
Loving our enemies is about our own response and heart posture. It does not mean we have to support or like the person. It doesn’t mean we don’t talk to authorities or report things that are wrong, or take action, to help lead to justice. It doesn’t mean we think what was done is ok or make excuses for it. It doesn’t mean no justice, but it means not plotting or wishing evil against someone because of what they did. It means not repaying evil for evil.
When we love, forgive, and bless those who did us wrong, that doesn’t mean there won’t be justice or consequences for their actions. However, instead of taking the justice into our own hands in the form of paying some sort of revenge or mistreating that person in our own way and timing out of anger, pain, and frustration or impatience, we surrender justice to the hands of God. Sometimes we play a role in justice happening- but our role isn’t revenge or hatred toward the wrongdoer. Our role is love, and to help make things better if we can by loving those who were done wrong- like taking care of victims or working to implement things that help those who have been oppressed, or defending or helping rescue the oppressed-and when applicable, helping justice to be served in a way that is honest, fair and necessary- but not deliberately hateful or evil.
Sometimes though, our role is just to pray and trust God for justice.
We see in the book of Habakkuk that evil was happening and the prophet was asking why it was continuing, but God assured him there would eventually be justice, and in the meantime he must wait patiently, remain loyal to God, and trust God to show himself as just. And Habakkuk in response prays,
“Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy.”
Habakkuk 3:2
Habakkuk is exemplifying a way we can pray in love for our enemies but also for justice.
And in the book of Exodus, God says be still and He will fight for you.
“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
Exodus 14:14
In both the circumstances in Habakkuk and Exodus, God did execute justice. But it wasn’t at the times that those looking to Him necessarily thought it should be; or how they thought it could be. It was in ways much bigger than anything that could have been done by those people. It was undeniably God who brought justice and victory, because they couldn’t have made it happen the way He did.
Sometimes God wants to show us that it’s Him who gave justice and victory, and wants us to just wait on Him and battle in prayer. Sometimes it may be hard to remain silent, still, or calm as mentioned in Exodus 14:14 (the different translations break down to these words), but if we leave the justice in His hands, He will show Himself mighty!
It doesn’t mean He also isn’t merciful to those people. In fact, He is merciful to us all- whether we believe in Him or not. That’s what the cross was about. He paid the price for us all.
He gives opportunities for people to change their ways, to come to Him, to ask forgiveness. We can pray for this too- because God can take horrible situations and make beauty from ashes, or a mosaic from broken pieces. We don’t know if maybe a delay in justice is Him working something out in His perfect timing, or giving those people an opportunity to correct their ways and for it to lead to something incredibly impactful for good in the bigger picture. Justice may look different than you expect, but God is still just and loving, so we can trust Him for both.
So whatever it is you’re going through, or have experienced, know that God is just. Choosing to love and forgive our enemies does not mean there will not be justice. You may even be a part of the justice process in some way. But by choosing love and forgiveness as your heart posture, and allowing God to lead with the justice part, justice will come in God’s perfect way and timing, not our own.
Prayer Requests
Jere Romano- Jere is our Department Commander and many of you know him. Please pray for his health to be completely well and restored.
Please pray for our post and leaders.
Please continue to pray for our members who may have silent or anonymous prayer requests, as well as those who may be mourning, struggling, or suffering at this time. There’s probably more people going through things than most of us know-and it’s important we include them in our prayers! And if you notice someone may be struggling in some way, be the person who sees and helps support them.
Prayer is powerful and God hears!
As always, if you need prayer or support, please know there are several ways to reach your chaplain. There is a prayer request form you can fill out here:
You can input as little or as much information as you are comfortable with.
You can also reach out directly to if you'd rather do that.
There are also chaplains for the sons, auxiliary, and riders that are available as well.
If you want to pray but are not sure how to pray, please reach out too. We are happy to guide you to pray alone also!
It's ok to not be ok. You are not alone.
The Suicide and Crisis Hotline is also available 24/7: dial or text 988
“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Romans 15:13
May peace and comfort surround you. May you and your families be well physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. May God make His presence and love felt in your life, now and always. Shalom, and many blessings to you all!
Blessings and Gratitude,
Your Chaplain, Donna Callaway