Second Vice Vantage
Hollywood Post 43 2nd Vice Commander Karl Risinger
As everyone gets ready to leave for National Convention this week, we still have things happening for you at the Post!
No meetings this week. Check the Calendar for individual Committee meetings and get involved! Committee's are where the actual work gets done, then brought to the EC for Ratification. Be a part of the driving force you'd like to see at the Post.
Besides Bar Night on Thursday, come out to Bob's Big Boy on Friday and support the Riders! Anytime 7am to 11pm and bring the flyer with you. Car show starts around 5pm. The Riders will be there with a tent starting at 3pm. Come hang out, see some cool cars and eat some delicious food! It's always a fun time.
Don't miss out on the Relay for Life on Saturday! Hang out at the Beach for a GREAT cause!
See you all after Labor Day weekend for our Social Meeting. Note that the meeting is moved to Tuesday due to the Holiday being on Monday, September 5th.
Your Hollywood Vice!
Karl Risinger