Membership Matters

Excited to be Chairman of the Membership Committee as your 1st Vice Commander. So far, we have had 12 new members with Army leading the way and 63% of our current members have renewed. Come on other service branches!

In a few days I will be sending out a membership survey to capture what is important to you. As your 2nd Vice Commander in charge of events last year, surveys were a vital part of continuously making our events better. I am going to do the same thing with the membership experience now and will need your input.

We are going to have a Post 43 Membership table at Dragonfest on 6 August in Glendale that we need help staffing. Looking for members of all Post families to help. If you have never attended Dragonfest it is the World’s Greatest Martial Arts Expo and lots of fun. Please send me an email if you can spare an hour or two at this event to help work the table.

If you have input, questions or can help serve on our Membership Committee as a member or Technical Advisor please send me an email at

Jere RomanoComment