Chaplain's Corner
Assistant Chaplain Rocio Palmero
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
I gotta tell ya, I love this scripture. I love this scripture because I have my hand in so many projects, and I always expect everything to come out as I visualize it. . . .but sometimes it doesn’t. Or, sometimes, it takes longer than I wish it would. Or, sometimes the people I may have done the work for may not be as grateful as I think they should be. It’s ok, to feel this way temporarily, as long as you don’t give up permanently.
It’s ok to be disappointed. It’s ok that things don’t turn out the way you think they should. It’s ok that not everyone understands how much of yourself you have put into a project. You know and God knows. All of these outcomes are ok as long as you don’t give up and you understand that your efforts are not in vane.
In this scripture, Paul was writing to the people in the territory of Galatia. After Paul shared with them the gospel, they were having a hard time believing it. The people of wanted to go back to the old school way of thinking (Mosaic style). Paul was all like, naw. . . all you need is the guidance of the Holy Spirit, don’t worry about stuff and you’re good. But they still struggled. They struggled. You know why? Because we all struggle. We struggle to do what is right. We struggle to do what is good and we struggle to accept an outcome that does not line up with our own expectations
Whether our work is unto God, unto our Legion family, unto our own family or unto a stranger, we shouldn’t allow defeat to sour our experience. We should feel confident in knowing that we tried, and in the attempt we may have given someone hope, encouragement and love that they may have needed in that moment.
Your Chaplain, Donna Callaway and Assistant Chaplain, Rocio Palmero