Commander's Time
Tis the season 43ers,
I hope you all are happy and healthy. It’s been great seeing so many of you, so far in this holiday season.
o Veterans Week – it was amazing seeing 43ers at The Los Angeles Film School SALUTE program, The West Hollywood Veterans Day program, The Mayor’s Lunch, The LA Kings Game and the USC game. Please note that we had extra tickets to most of these events. Please track the newsletter and website calendar and the member Facebook group. Those are all great sources of information, and we promote activities across all of those platforms.
o Thanksgiving meal at November business meeting
Thanks to Karl and Heather Risinger for making all of that happen. It wasn’t just a great meal, but a grand gesture on their part.
o Modified bar nights during Thanksgiving
Members had a place to go and have a potluck and just be together
o Hollywood Christmas Parade
This was a great time, as it has been the previous few years that I’ve been honored to be involved. This is an Auxiliary event. President Melissa Card always organizes this. She organized this year, but caught an untimely bug and wasn’t able to be on-site. Liza Burns and Michelle Ortman handled operational logistics. so thanks to them and the entire Hollywood Auxiliary Unit 43.
o SPECIAL MENTION: Christina L. Putrelo really stepped up to make sure that we were lead by an American flag. It was a heartwarming moment when we passed the main audience viewing area and the Marines stood to salute the flag as she passed. Thank you for representing!
o December Holiday Meal & Program
The Events Committee chaired by 2 nd Vice Commander Karl Risinger and the Auxiliary, lead by Melissa Card. Please sign up at They need a head count to make sure that there is enough food. It will be a great time and I hope to see many of you at this “meeting” that won’t really be a meeting. When you register please remember to register any children that may be attending.
o Christmas/Hanukah Representation – I have had talks with Chaplain Donna Calloway and SAL Past President Dan Witzling about saying a few words. Dan had, in previous years, offered a program, along with his children on the Jewish holiday. This year, Hanukah happens December 18-26 and clearly Christmas is December 25. I’m hoping both can offer lessons and perspective on the upcoming holidays and what they mean for our service and community.
o Toys For Tots – Community Outreach Chair, Simone Lara coordinating with the Marine Corps Reserve to have Toy Collection at the December 5 th Holiday Program. Please bring a NEW, UNWRAPPED toy to share.
o New Years Eve
I know that the Events Committee is working on something and I’m excited to for that event to launch Family 43 into the new year with a momentum of positivity that we can use to keep building what we’ve been working on, this year.
As you can see, we have a busy season and what makes it all worth it, is the opportunity to serve and celebrate the entire Legion Family. We are immeasurably grateful for the service of our veteran Legionnaires. Gratitude is also present in all of us who serve “community, state and nation” alongside our Auxiliary, Sons and Riders.
I want to thank all of you for your part in helping to make Hollywood Post 43 a genuine family.
Jeff Daly, Commander