Commander's Time

The Big Event is Here

Hello 43ers,

I hope this weekend before Veterans Day weekend finds you well. I wanted to start out by thanking Karen Vasquez for arranging our 1st comedy night since before the pandemic. It was a very fun evening and I can't wait to attend the next one.

The BIG EVENT is this Monday. Those of you who choose to participate will make what is likely the most impactful decision that this Post has had to make in a long time, and maybe ever. We will be deciding whether the membership want to accept an offer to buy the El Centro property for $40 million. I believe that Bryon Smith and the team have answered the many question in a few different forums.

Let's show up en masse and make this a vote of a good representation of the Post vs. a quorum. I am going to limit discussion to dealing with only the resolution and only from those whom will be voting to make a decision.

Finally, I hope you all have plans for Veterans Day weekend. Please check our for event ideas.

Again, please come out and vote on the future of Post 43. I have my desire on what to do, but the choice is yours. By rule, I don't have a vote, so the decision truly is yours. Please come out and voice you opinion by vote. On that theme, remember to vote on Tuesday in the civilian elections. There are no veteran specific issues on the ballot, so we have no official positions to take, other than voting is an important right and duty of citizenship.

For the good of the Legion...

Jeff Daly, Commander

Hollywood Post 43

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