Vice Commanders' Messages | July 2017
Michael Hjelmstad
I’m specifically tasked with membership this year and in order to keep up with the pace of growth Fernando started I’m going to need everyone’s help. My first task is that you all renew your membership. Like, now. The membership year starts now and dues support the programs of the national organization. It’s never been easier to renew your dues, just a few clicks on the website. After you get yourself renewed, get someone else to do the same. Make sure everyone knows that it’s important to keep our numbers up so we can continue to support veterans with the influence of over 2 million members. Then, get other veterans to join. We are well on our way to our 2019 goal of 1,000 members. Tell others about our post, most want to join when they find out about all of the great things we are doing. So there’s your challenge: renew, get someone else to renew, and recruit. The strength of the organization is our membership, so let’s get strong!
Jennifer Campbell
Greetings, Legionnaires!!! I'm delighted to sit as this year's Second Vice-Commander and look forward to an eventful year.
As Second Vice Commander, I'm charged with promoting all programs and activities of the Post. My goal is to increase membership involvement in Post activities, while bridging the gap between Hollywood Post 43 and the community. I plan to work closely with our First Vice-Commander to welcoming new members and growing not only membership, but Post activity involvement.
This year's 2017 Commander's Ball was a huge success and I want to thank everyone who was involved in the evening, your support has been tremendous. Post 43 presented awards to Jerry Steinberg for Honorary Colonel, David Gale as a Post 43 Honored Guest, and Jennifer Crandell for Legionnaire of the Year. It was a wonderful send-off of our Past Commander, Time Shaner, and the welcoming of our new Commander, Fernando Rivero. We had a record breaking number of attendees and it was a swinging good time!
Thursday, July 29th we will be hosting another Speakeasy Jazz night in the Deco Bar, featuring Richard Halpern and guests, who will be performing 20s and 30s Jazz tunes. Doors open at 7:00pm and the live music begins at 8:00pm. This event is free for members and veterans, $5 donation for guests of members, and $10 for the public. Come out and watch the Deco bar take a step back into the Golden Age of Hollywood.
I look forward to serving you this year and providing many activities and events for all of our members. It's shaping up to be our best year yet!