Legion Highlights and Upcoming Events
A warm welcome to the newest addition to our Legion family: Baby Brayden Thomas Horton, son of Post 43 member, Patrick Horton, born July 4, 2017 at 3:01 a.m. Measuring 20.5 inches long and weighing in at 7 lbs 15 oz. Mom and baby are tired, but doing fine. Congratulations to the Hortons on their new arrival!
TONIGHT 7/18 - Bar Night! 7pm-1am
THURSDAY 7/20 - Bar Night: Richard Halpern's Hollywood Speakeasy! 7pm DETAILS
SUNDAY 7/23 - 24th District Installation Ceremony and Dinner 7pm DETAILS
MONDAY 7/24- Regular Meeting - Dinner 5:30pm, Meeting at 7.
WEDNESDAY 7/26 - Bar Night! 7pm-1am
THURSDAY 7/27 - Bar Night! 7pm-1am
SATURDAY 7/29 - Legion Family Range Day, Oak Tree Gun Club 9am
Check the online calendar often for updates and the latest events!
Legionnaires Give Blood and Save Lives
David Lasher, Daniel Hunt, Jennifer Crandell and others came out last Sunday to Our Mother of Good Counsel Parish in Los Feliz and gave blood in response to a severe blood shortage L.A. area hospitals are experiencing this summer. Executive Committee member and Community Service Committee chair, Jennifer Crandell hastily recruited a few members to get to the local blood drive to help with the current emergency.
The Community Service Committee is planning a blood drive for members at the post soon. Stay tuned to this space and come to the next meeting to learn more about service opportunities with your fellow Legionnaires! In the meantime, consider giving blood on your own by contacting the American Red Cross or Los Angeles Children's Hospital Blood Donor Center today!
Upcoming Events
Double-Header Bar Nights This Week!
Despite lots of Hollywood Bowl action this week, your clubhouse will be open TONIGHT, Tuesday 7/18 & Thursday 7/20. Plus, don't miss the return of Richard Halpern's Hollywood Speakeasy, a 1920's Jazz show, back by popular demand, Thursday night 7/20. Bar opens at 7, music starts at 8. Free for members and veterans. $5 donation for members' guests. $10 donation for public. Members always welcome to bring up to 3 guests.
24th District Installation & Dinner Sunday 7/23
Come join us to witness the most epic thing to happen this summer. The stars have aligned, so that means your attendance will be important, as you are all important guests. Last year's turnout was the biggest in awhile, so lets keep the momentum up and have an even bigger installation.
The Officers to be installed are:
24th District Commander - Michael Hjelmstad (Post 43)*
1st Vice Commander - David Gibson (Post 43)*
2nd Vice Commander - J.l. Romano (Post 283)
Finance Officer - Christian Lozano (Post 123)
LA County Council Excom - Robert Kelly (Post 43)*
LA County Council Vice Commander - Tim Carr
RSVP: (310) 454-0527 no later than July 19, 2017
Reminder: Regular meeting of the post will be next Monday, 7/24! Dinner (Pasta w/Meatballs, Garlic Bread and Ice Cream) starts at 5:30pm, Meeting at 7.
Join your comrades for dinner and our monthly regular meeting. New members, committee reports, important info for veterans and more! Find out what's happening at the post. See you there!
Legion Range Day is Back July 29!
The Sports and Marksmanship Committees bring you another Legion Range Day with your fellow vets and Legion family at Oak Tree Gun Club!
Just bring your weapons, ammo, and eye and ear pro to put some rounds downrange and sharpen up those perishable skills. No guns, no problem. Sharing is caring. Do keep your head on a swivel and be prepared to have a fun and SAFE day with your friends and some friendly competition with our comrades from Palisades Post 283.
All Legion Family welcome. For more information, contact André Andrews or post to the Post 43 Members Group.
RSVP to get a head count.
Do you ride? Are you interested in community service and helping veterans? Post 43 is gauging interest from the membership to start a chapter of American Legion Riders in Hollywood. If you're interested, come to the next meeting or contact First Vice Commander, Michael Hjelmstad at the post.
The new Legion year began July 1! Renew your Legion Family membership online at hollywoodpost43.org and click on MEMBER LOGIN to update your profile with payment information. Pay online with a credit card or at the post with cash, check, or card in the office or at the bar. Renew Today!
(NOTE: If you have already paid and received a renewal notice in error, please email crew@hollywoodpost43.org so we can update your profile. Thanks for your patience as we upgrade our systems and for your continued membership!)