Legion Highlights and Upcoming Events
March is Military Women's History Month. Jon Endow took this stunning portrait of just some of Post 43's amazing female veterans in 2013. Salute!
Here's What's Happening This Week at Post 43:
TONIGHT 3/6 - Monday Night Social & Committee Meetings, Dinner starts @ 5:30 p.m. (Pasta w/Meatballs, Garlic Bread & Carrot Cake)
3/10-3/12 - Department Executive Committee meeting Details
THURSDAY 3/9 - Bar Night
SUNDAY 3/12 - The Art Deco Comedy Hour! Details
MONDAY 3/13 - Post 43 Executive Committee Meeting, 6 p.m.
TUESDAY 3/14 - American Legion Legislative Action Day, State Capitol, Sacramento, Calif.
THURSDAY 3/16 - ***Special Meeting & New Members Induction + Bar Night, 7 p.m.***
FRIDAY 3/17 - Saint Patrick's Day Night of Shenanigans - Bar Night & Comedy Event in theater Details
SATURDAY 3/18 - Department Commander Dinner, 5 p.m., Bob Hope Patriotic Hall
MONDAY 3/20 - Regular Meeting, Law & Order Night Dinner at 5:30 p.m. (Corned Beef & Cabbage, Red Potatoes & Mint Ice Cream), Meeting at 7.
SATURDAY 4/1 - Team RWB/Team Rubicon Run as One Veterans 5K
SATURDAY 4/1 - Boy Scouts of America dinner honoring Maj. Gen. (Ret.) John S. Harrell at Post 43, 5:30 p.m. RSVP
SUNDAY 4/2 - Post 43 Family Fun Day
Remember to visit the online calendar often for the latest info on what's going on at the Post, as new events and activities are added daily!
Highlights From Recent Events & Activities:
Legionnaires joined forces with Team RWB LA and Merging Vets & Players for a Veterans' Hike to the Hollywood Sign Feb. 27. (Photo by Eric Andino)
American Legion Department of California Commander Gary Leach is pictured with finalists of the Department Oratorical Contest at the State Capitol in Sacramento, March 4. Area 6 semifinalist, Ryan Wallace won the state competition and will be competing in Indianapolis April 22-23 for the national prize. The competition judges high schoolers on prepared and extemporaneous speeches on various topics concerning the U.S. Constitution. Congratulations to Ryan and to Palisades Post 283, who sponsored him! Special thanks to Post 43 Past Commander and state Oratorical Commission chair, David Gibson for his leadership and hard work in organizing this impactful youth program. (photo courtesy Gary Leach)
Michelle Rivera, Nick Papadakis and the Entertainment Committee put on Post 43's Swing Dance Night featuring the incredible band, Phat Cat Swinger on Mar. 2. (Photos by Michelle Rivera)
Bill Steele (left) and Karl Risinger (right) are interviewed during the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce OSCARS Media Welcome Center, promoting our theater renovation project to the global entertainment and news media, Feb. 23.
Legion Theater Committee and Executive Committee member, Randy Khan and Commander Tim Shaner man the booth at Product Hollywood OSCARS gifting suites at Post 43, promoting the Legion Theater project and American Legion programs to Hollywood celebrities in attendance Feb. 25.