Legion Highlights and Upcoming Events
Here's What's Happening This Week at Post 43:
TONIGHT 2/27 - District 24 Meeting; Dinner @ 6:15pm ($10), Mtg @ 6pm Bar Open. Baltic Post 405, 1306 West 24th St, Los Angeles, CA 90007 All Legionnaires Welcome
2/27-3/2 - Clubhouse closed for film production rental
THURS 3/2 - Swing Night featuring featuring Phat Cat Swinger! Details & Tickets
MONDAY 3/6 - Social & Committees Night
3/10-3/12 - Department Executive Committee meeting Details
THURSDAY 3/16 - Special Meeting & New Members Induction + Bar Night, 7 p.m.
FRIDAY 3/17 - Saint Patrick's Day - Veterans Comedy Event Details & Tickets
MONDAY 3/20 - Regular Meeting, Law & Order Night
Remember to visit the online calendar often for the latest info on what's going on at the Post, as new events and activities are added daily!
Highlights from recent events and activities
FEATURED PHOTOS: "Post 43 Sessions" Live Music Night, USC NROTC Dining In, Legion Range Day with Posts 43 & 283, Product Hollywood
Michael Hjelmstad, 2nd Vice Commander, Post 43
At our social meeting last month, we were fortunate to host the oldest living member of the original "Red Tail" pilots, WWII Tuskegee Airman, Lt. Col. Robert Friend who spoke and answered questions about his storied service to our nation. Radio host and producer James Janisse, the "Gentleman of Jazz" also presented some music history to round out the evening in support of Black History Month.
The 24th District Oratorical Contest, a program designed to develop a deeper knowledge and appreciation for the U.S. Constitution among high school students, took place at Post 43 on February 12. The 6th area competition will have taken place at Pacific Palisades on February 26th by the distribution of this newsletter and this year’s Department Competition will be held at the Capitol in Sacramento on March 4th. David Wallace, Loyola High School, sponsored by Pacific Palisades Post 283 was the winner of the 24th District Competition held at Post 43.
Last month members of the Post 43 Legion and Legion family helped cook for and feed the homeless in support of the organization, People Assisting The Homeless (PATH). Post member Andrew Fierro, doing a great job leading this effort, will be looking for volunteer support for things like “The Burrito Project” that coordinates the preparation and distribution of meals throughout the city.
To celebrate the holiday, Post 43 will host the event: Veteran Warriors Entertainment Group Presents “St. Patrick’s Day Night of Shenanigans” on Friday March 17th. Actor-Comedian Will C will host a hilarious team including the Music Comedy Duo "The Show" with Sean & Adam, as well as Comedian Steve Simeone. This is a charity fundraiser to support the Department of California Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Foundation and the US for Warriors Foundation. Tickets are $20 online and $25 at the door. Traditional Irish fair will be available for purchase and the Deco bar will be open even if you don’t attend the event.