Commander's Message - March 2017
Tim Shaner, Commander, Post 43
As we look back at our Black History Month event and memories of greatness, honor and times gone by, we thank Rebecca Stewart-Wilson for her outstanding service and support - my ‘go-to gal’. And a special thanks to James Janisse, Post 43 member, for his look back at Jazz and our very talented guests. Our touching Four Chaplains Ceremony set the stage for recognition of our everyday heroes and our upcoming Law and Order night where we thank and recognize the outstanding contributions of our local Law Enforcement, Firefighters and Emergency Medical personnel…don’t miss it!
March also marks the 98th Anniversary of the founding of the American Legion. The American Legion "Post Officers Guide," recounts the organization’s founding where a group of twenty officers who served in the American Expeditionary Forces (A.E.F.) during World War I were asked to suggest ideas on how to improve troop morale. In 1919, this group formed a temporary committee and selected several hundred officers who had the confidence and respect of the whole army. The first meeting took place in Paris in March, 1919 and was known as the Paris Caucus which adopted a temporary constitution and the name “The American Legion”.
This month is about honor and preparation as we move into the last part of our Legion year. Nominations for Convention Delegates followed by Officers and Executive Committee members is coming up and it’s a time to start thinking about leadership and how you can get involved in the decision process of the Post and the Legion. Don’t just talk about it. Do It! Let your voice be heard.
This year, our Department Convention will be held in Riverside, CA June 21st – 26th. Delegates will have an opportunity to learn more about the American Legion and meet fellow Legionnaires from all over California who, like you, want to get involved. As a delegate you would represent the Post in the various committee meetings as well as the convention floor at all sessions. The Post will cover the cost of attending but the delegate's job does not end when the convention is over. If elected as a delegate please consider the commitment and investment of time to serve your fellow Legionnaires throughout the upcoming Legion year.
In closing, thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Commander and the privilege to be a part of this great organization and the history of Post 43. And, to all my Irish friends on St. Patrick’s Day “May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, The rains fall soft upon your fields and, Until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.”