Commander's Message | May 2017
Tim Shaner
Commander, Post 43
It has been my pleasure to be your Commander during this past year and have a great deal of thanks to all those that made this a memorable year. I was so pleased to see all the key positions filled and unopposed leaving only the members of the Executive Committee to consider at our Elections at the May 15th meeting. Starting at the committee level, then to chair, executive committee, 1st, 2nd and then Commander is the natural progression of leadership one that I recommend to all members. It was my goal to pass the leadership on without the conflicts of the past and although a struggle to make it possible we, the Vietnam Era Veterans, did it. I congratulate Fernando, Mike, Jennifer and Luis for your dedication, loyalty and friendship. They will provide great leadership into the future and guide us as we move into a new generation of veterans.
A special shout out to the incredible job our member volunteers have done on all levels. To help us completely rewrite, approve and ratify our Post By-Laws, to completely redesign and modify the functionality of our Website, to take leadership in the 24th District to a new level, to break all barriers for membership, kick off a building renovation like nothing I’ve seen in the 40 years I have been a member and carve out a future for Post 43 that we will all benefit from. Our ability to help our veterans, veteran programs and the special charities that we support will set a new record for our Post and all legionnaires.
I would love to single out each and every one that has been instrumental in all the achievements listed above but I would need two more pages. You know who you are, how much you have contributed and how special you are. Without YOU we would not be who we are today. And, don’t forget we have the election of the next Executive Committee that is crucial in assisting our leadership and our Post. Pick your candidates wisely, vote with heart and the good of the legion. The new leadership will need your help! I encourage you, that’s right YOU, to step out of your safe zone and commit to the future of 43.
Oh… and by the way you’re not rid of me yet. I will continue to drive you crazy for another year as your Jr. Past Commander and looking forward to seeing you all at the next meeting.