Legion Highlights and Upcoming Events
Incoming Post 43 member, J.C. Goetz, 1st Vice Cmdr., Fernando Rivero, 2nd Vice Cmdr. Michael Hjelmstad, Aux. Unit 43 member Jocelyn Rivero, and Post 43 Board of Trustees member and 24th District Adjutant, Peter Liszowski with Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, March 7, 2017. (Photo by Jon Endow)
This week, BE HERE for the historic largest induction of new members into the American Legion in decades on Thursday night, and Friday, come on back for an amazing comedy event benefitting veterans! It's another great week at P43!
MONDAY 3/13 - Post 43 Executive Committee Meeting, 6 p.m.
TUESDAY 3/14 - American Legion Legislative Action Day, State Capitol, Sacramento, Calif.
THURSDAY 3/16 - Special Meeting & New Members Induction + Reception, 7 p.m. Details
FRIDAY 3/17 - COMEDY EVENT BENEFITTING VETS: Saint Patrick's Day Night of Shenanigans Details & Tickets
SATURDAY 3/18 - Department Commander Dinner, 5 p.m., Bob Hope Patriotic Hall
JUST ADDED! SATURDAY 3/18 - Saint Patrick's Day (After) Karaoke! Art Deco Bar
MONDAY 3/20 - Regular Meeting, Law & Order Night Dinner at 5:30 p.m. (Corned Beef & Cabbage, Red Potatoes & Mint Ice Cream), Meeting at 7.
SATURDAY 4/1 - Team RWB/Team Rubicon Run as One Veterans 5K
SATURDAY 4/1 - Boy Scouts of America dinner honoring Maj. Gen. (Ret.) John S. Harrell at Post 43, 5:30 p.m. RSVP
SUNDAY 4/2 - Post 43 Family Fun Day Details
MONDAY 4/3 - Regular Meeting: NOMINATIONS FOR POST OFFICERS AND EXEC CMTE; Dinner at 5:30 p.m. (Menu TBA), Meeting at 7.
SATURDAY 4/8 - Post 43 Running Team @ Hollywood Half Marathon/10K/5K Details
As Always, remember to check out the events page and join the unofficial Post 43 members Facebook group for the latest happenings, as activities can get added last minute!
POST 43's Historic Art Deco Bar
Members: The Post Bar is open most Thursday or Friday evenings from 7pm – 1am. Members are allowed three guests, but members must accompany their guests at all times. We have billiards, sports on TV, music, and camaraderie; espresso, coffee and other non-alcoholic drinks are also available. It’s a great time to hold your Committee Meetings! Please do check the online calendar if you plan to visit, as filming or rental events may result in the bar being closed. Remember it’s your Clubhouse, use it!
We kindly ask that for Monday night post meetings where there is large attendance, able-bodied members park in the overflow across the street at Hollywood Bowl Lot D on the northeast corner of Milner and Highland Ave. to ensure our senior and disabled members have ample parking opportunity.
Renderings were unveiled last week for the new Hollywood Legion Theater renovation underway at Post 43. For updates, follow the Legion Theater Facebook page.
TAKE A SEAT. We need your continued support to make this project a reality. If you haven't yet, please join your fellow Legionnaires who have chipped in and purchase a seat in your name or to honor the memory of a loved one. Veterans save $500! For more information on the TAKE A SEAT campaign, visit LegionTheater.org or email our project manager, Bill Steele at wbondsteele@gmail.com.
American Legion Auxiliary Hollywood Unit 43 member Tamra Brown hosted another hilarious night of comedy during the Art Deco Comedy Hour, March 12. This is one of Post 43's favorite and most successful entertainment nights! Make sure to follow this monthly event on Facebook and catch the next one!
Brett Reistad, leading candidate for American Legion National Commander for 2018-2019, Paul Espinoza, National Vice Commander, and Mike Hjelmstad, Post 43 2nd Vice Commander and 24th District 1st Vice at the California Department Executive Committee (DEC) meeting, held at Post 790, District 18, West Covina, Calif. Mar 10-12, 2017. The meetings are where representatives from across California's Legion community convene to discuss Legion business, move initiatives and resolutions forward for the benefit of veterans, children and youth, and the community, state, and nation.
The USC NROTC Trojan Battallion celebrated their annual winter Dining In for the second year in a row at Hollywood Post 43 Feb. 24 . Post 43 commander, Tim Shaner and first lady Irene Sloate attended as distinguished guests. It is an honor to support our local future Navy and Marine Corps leaders! (photo courtesy USC Trojan Battalion)
(photo courtesy USC Trojan Battalion)