American Legion Auxiliary Unit 43 Update
Patricia Blanton
President, Auxiliary Unit 43
At mid-year convention for ALA, Unit 43 was awarded two certificates of achievement for meeting membership goals! These were due in large part to the efforts of our First Vice President and Membership Chair, Carol Scott. Unit 43 thanks to Carol for her hard work in reaching these goals.
Unit 43 has many dedicated members. One quiet, gentle member is always there, always supporting the Legion, the Auxiliary and the Sons. Unit 43 is grateful for the neverending service, thoughtful guidance and hard work of Delia Hernandez. She is a familiar face, present at meetings and at special events. Delia's husband, Arturo, is a member of the Legion and her son, Luis, is a member of the Sons. They bring the true meaning of family to Post 43. Thank you, Delia!
Lt. Col. Robert Friend, USAF (Ret.) speaks to Legion Family for Black History Month
The program for Black History Month was put together by our own Rebecca Stuart-Wilson, with support from Unit 43. Carol Scott and Vanzella Janisse, Unit 43 Chaplain, also assisted Rebecca with making this presentation a success. Thank you for putting together an enjoyable event!
Tamra and the 2016 Unit 43 Girls State delegates
Tamra Brown is continuing her efforts in moving forward with interviews for Girls State. Tamra is getting help from several members as the interview process concludes. We will be sending 13 wonderful girls this year! Tamra is doing a great job as Girls State Chair!